Learn how to cure diabetes naturally

tisdag 11 oktober 2016

Everything You Need to Know About Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus or simply diabetes is a group of diseases characterized by high blood sugar. High blood sugar can cause frequent urination, increased thirst and increased hunger.

It also causes changes in the lens shape of the eyes, which can damage vision. If you regain sensible glucose control, the lens and your eyesight return to normal. Many patients who visit the doctor's office complaining about blurred vision are eventually diagnosed with diabetes. More than 170 million people have diabetes worldwide representing nearly 3% of the population.

There are three types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is the result of the body not being able to produce insulin. This type of diabetes (accounting for 10% of all diabetics) can't be prevented. Most people who get this disease, are usually normal, healthy people. The majority of type 1 diabetes cases are found in children. That is why it is also called "juvenile diabetes". Type 1 can be inherited and then triggered by a medical condition or infection.

Type 2 diabetes is caused by insulin resistance. In this type of diabetes, cells can't use insulin properly and it is sometimes combined with insulin deficiency. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes affecting 90-95% of all diabetics in the United States. When you have developed type 2 diabetes, it probably can't be cured since it is a permanent condition. In the early stages hyperglycemia can be reversed by several medications that reduce glucose production in the organism.

 Before developing type 2 diabetes, a person can be pre-diabetic for many years. Causes of type 2 diabetes are usually related to genetics and lifestyle.
Gestational diabetes occurs when pregnant women who haven't had diabetes before, develop a high blood glucose level while they are pregnant. It can develop into type 2 later since it resembles it in many ways. Approximately 2-5% of all pregnant women have gestational diabetes and approximately 30% of them develop type 2 after the delivery.

If it is left untreated, it can affect the unborn child. The baby could be born with a high birth weight or central nervous system problems could occur. The number of woman with gestational diabetes has doubled in the last decade. Many of their children become diabetic as well.
Diabetes mellitus is not easy to cure.

You have to keep your blood sugar level normal by following a strict diet, exercising regularly and using proper medication. Patients with type 1 diabetes must inject themselves with insulin, while type 2 diabetics can usually take oral medications. Type 2 can be managed with exercise, smoking avoidance and maintaining the proper blood pressure

If you change your lifestyle and live healthier, you will be able to manage your condition well and others might not even notice you have diabetes. It's important to get familiar with your diabetic testing supplies and test often to keep track of your blood sugar levels.

There are hospitals, medical institutions and many good doctors who are dedicated to helping people with diabetes. You could join a support group who connect people and allow them to share their experiences and knowledge with others.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5422909

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